Hallstatt Adventures Behind the Lens

Wherein I find friendship in travel.

Hallstatt Adventures Behind the Lens

πŸ“Έ Trapped behind my camera lens earlier in the season, I explored Hallstatt like a wide-eyed tourist. The quaint houses, the serene lake, the towering Alps - every shot could be a postcard. But as I looked around, I realised something πŸ€”πŸ’­

I wasn’t merely a spectator. I have been part of a larger picture of friendship and shared experiences since 2019. Seeing the small Austrian village for the first time, my friends, travelling from across the world like I had before them, caught what matters in focus.

I realised that the real magic wasn’t just in the landscapes but in the bond and the stories we had shared over time. I once read, ‘We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.’ On this trip, life didn’t escape me.

So here’s to Hallstatt, the eyes that rolled while judging us as another group of tourists from faraway lands, and to the friends who make every shot worth capturing. Cheers to my friends for sharing the memories and the pictures (not all of which are mine) πŸ₯‚

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